School Community Outpost | Telethon Speech & Hearing

Our School Community: Keeping You Up-to-Date with TSH’s Outpost

Our School Community

Parent Tutorials

Parents are always welcome to attend tutorial sessions with their child. Please talk to your Teacher of the Deaf if you would like to set up a schedule, or even for a one time visit. This can be a very valuable way to stay in touch with the work that your child is going within the Outpost unit.

Power of Speech

We have been holding this amazing event every year but one since 1989. This event forms a major part of our Outpost program every year, with each of our primary school students preparing a three minute talk that they present to an audience of around 250 people. This is a daunting task for most people and our students develop high level public speaking skills over their six years of presenting.

The students learn many valuable skills through this process. They learn how to write speeches that are interesting and include humour. They learn how to cope with nerves and how to engage with the audience. This event also provides our teachers and speech pathologists with a very motivating tool for developing spoken language and articulation skills. Arguably the best thing to come from these presentations is the joy and pride that families experience when they see their child on stage presenting with such poise and confidence. It is a truly powerful event and is a must for your family calendar.

Youth Leadership Team

For several years now, Telethon Speech & Hearing has offered an additional program for our older students. We formed a Youth Leadership Team (YLT) for students from Year 7 to Year 12. We hold two meetings a term. The meetings have a very simple structure. We sometimes bring in guest speakers and we always have plenty of food! These nights also provide a good opportunity for social interactions and friendship building. The YLT also volunteer to help out at different events at Telethon Speech & Hearing, such as Power of Speech and our sponsors Sundowner. They often volunteer to talk to different groups. Our students develop really useful skills through participating in the YLT. They are very involved in the broader centre and learn the benefits of helping out and giving back to the community. These opportunities are available to all of our older students and we encourage them all to participate


Students are expected to conform to the uniform requirements of the enrolling general education school.