Power of Speech Awards 2023 | Telethon Speech & Hearing

Power of Speech 2023

Telethon Speech & Hearing’s Power of Speech Awards enters its 33rd year, with the countdown to this year’s inspiring public speaking contest having begun.

On Saturday 9th September 2023, we will once again celebrate the courage and wonderful outcomes possible for our students with hearing loss, as they exhibit their public speaking skills in front of a live audience. The students’ ages range from Year 1 to Year 6 and represent 13 different Outpost schools across WA.

Each student spends time writing and practicing their speeches with our teachers of the deaf and education assistants throughout the term. They learn about a range of aspects related to preparing speeches, including using humour to engage the audience and dealing with their nerves. Students also develop their spoken language skills to include new vocabulary and concepts. This year, we have no fewer than 44 Outpost students bravely presenting a speech in front of their peers, families, friends teachers and VIPs.

Geof Parry, a senior news reporter for Channel 7, and Andrea Burns, a Postgraduate Broadcasting Lecturer at Edith Cowan University, will once again be back as masters of ceremonies this year.

Check out some of our amazing speakers from last year below.