The Chevron Pilbara Ear Health Program

The Chevron Pilbara Ear Health Program is supported by a dedicated team that includes Screeners, a Community Liaison Officer, Nurse Practitioner, Audiologist, and an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist. Screeners visit multiple locations across the West Pilbara to conduct ear checks for community members. These checks are simple and painless, helping to identify any potential ear health issues. The program aims to provide comprehensive support to ensure the ongoing care of ear health and well-being, with a focus on prevention and early intervention.

Child from Pilbara Region in green shirt receiving hearing test

Eligibility Criteria

Screening Services

Hearing and Ear Health screenings for children who:

  • Identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
  • Have a history of middle ear disease and/or hearing loss.
  • Have speech and/or language concerns.
  • Experience difficulties with focus and behavioural problems.
  • Experience recurring ear problems/infections.
  • Have trouble accessing traditional services due to increased support needs, such as developmental concerns, transport, or social barriers.

We also see adults who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.


Importance of Ear Health

Hearing and ear health concerns can occur for different reasons. This includes Otitis media, which is an inflammation or infection of the middle ear that is very common in children. If left untreated, it can have an impact on a child’s hearing, potentially leading to implications with their speech, language, and cognitive development.

Our team is dedicated to ensuring that all individuals who meet the eligibility criteria receive the necessary support and resources for their hearing and ear health concerns.

Contact us via or call +61473 331 990 to learn more about our screening and clinical services. We are here to help with your referral needs.