Therapy in the Talkabout Program | Telethon Speech & Hearing

Therapy in Talkabout

The role of Therapists in the Talkabout Program:

Telethon Speech & Hearing’s multidisciplinary range of onsite services gives families the convenience of one location and the comfort of dealing with one inclusive, professional organisation to help their children reach their true potential.

A child enrolled in Talkabout gains the benefits of working with specialist early educators and health practitioners such as Audiologists, Speech Pathologists, Psychologists, and Occupational Therapists. This ‘jump start’ to their learning journey helps prepare the child to face the social, communication and literacy rigors of school with confidence.

NDIS funding may cover the costs of therapy components of the Talkabout program (our Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, and Psychology services) and our Audiology services. Please contact Telethon Speech & Hearing staff for further information on your child’s eligibility.

Speech Pathologists

Speech Pathologists in Talkabout work directly with our students.

They provide direct service in:

  • Formal and informal assessment of language skills
  • Providing therapy services in small groups focusing on language goals
  • Providing information for reports / portfolios/ skills continuums

Indirect services may include:

  • parent information sessions
  • consultation with teachers on language needs of children
  • developing language programs that can be facilitated in a classroom environment
  • professional learning for our Talkabout team
  • linking with external agencies to provide support and obtain up to date information

Occupational Therapists

Occupational Therapists in Talkabout work directly with our students.

They provide direct service in:

  •  formal and informal assessments of fine motor,  gross motor, self-care skills (such as toileting and dressing)  and sensory profiles
  •  providing small group therapy and gym sessions focusing on motor skills, self-care skills and sensory needs
  • providing information for reports and skills continuums

Indirect services may include:

  • parent information sessions
  • consultation with teachers on motor skills, self-care and sensory needs of children
  • development of motor and sensory programs in consultation with teachers
  • professional learning for our Talkabout team
  • linking with external agencies to provide support and obtain up to date information


The Psychologist in Talkabout  supports the well being of our families and children.

Direct services may include:

  • individual counselling for parents
  • supporting teachers and families with management of behavioural issues
  • conducting assessments that evaluate cognitive, behavioural, social and emotional functioning
  • classroom observations

Indirect services may include:

  • parent information sessions
  • consultation with teachers and families on management of behavioural issues
  • ensuring policies and procedures promote child mental health and well being
  • professional learning for our team
  • linking with external agencies to provide support and obtain up to date information


The Audiologists in Talkabout support the ear health of our children.

Direct services  include:

  • individual middle ear screening using tympanometry
  • providing results and recommendations to families based on screening results

Indirect services may include:

  • parent information sessions
  • consultation with teachers on common ear health and hearing concerns
  • professional learning from our team
  • providing links to external providers where applicable